OPC UA Cloud Library Upload

Upload the loaded nodeset file to the UA Cloud Library

UA Cloud Library instance Url (required)

UA Cloud Library username (required)

UA Cloud Library password (required)

Please provide additional nodeset properties before uploading the nodeset file below:

Title (required)

Nodeset File (required)

License (required)

Copyright Text (required)

Description (required)

Organisation Name (required)

Namespace Name (required)

Namespace Description

Namespace Icon Url

Documentation Url

Icon Url

License Url

Keywords (comma delimited, i.e. keyword1,keyword2,keyword3 etc.)

Purchasing Information Url

Release Notes Url

Test Specification Url

Supported Locales (ISO notation, comma delimited, e.g. en-us,de-de)

Organisation Description

Organisation Logo Url

Organisation Contact Email

Organisation Website

Overwrite existing nodeset file?

Upload the loaded nodeset file to the OPC UA Cloud Library (please note: only the loaded nodeset file is uploaded, not its dependent nodesets!)